Why did you become a photographer?

I get asked this question a lot it seems. I know why I did, because it relaxes me and never want to forget those Amazing moments. I have always had a camera on me ever since I can remember. So my reason was to preserve memories. I am sure that every photographer gets asked the same question and it sounds annoying and I’m sure after a while they don’t like answering it. It actually is a great question because a lot of people have lost sight of why they originally became a photographer. They get caught up in wanting to make money and having a business etc. and then they get burnt out. I am not saying there is anything wrong with a business or taking it that route but what I am saying is that you shouldn’t do that until your ready. Having a business license does not make you a better photographer. If you got into photography because you thought you were going to make a ton of money then I am sorry to be the one to tell you that, that is not how it always works out. I always said growing up I would never work somewhere , where I hated what I did. So far I have stayed true to that statement every time I don’t like something I get a different job. Eventually I may only do photography but I am not in it for the money though it is nice when I do get paid stuff I also do free stuff. So I guess what I am trying to get at is when you started taking pictures, is the reason you started still the same reason your doing it now?self 2

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