When someone says “WOW you shoot a lot you must make A Lot of money how do you get all those people to pay you” First of all if you only picking up your camera to make money then you don’t have the passion or love for it so why are you doing it? To make money?  Which in the end isn’t going to make you happy and if your going to do something for the rest of your life then why not make it something your passionate about? I have always taken pictures no matter what from the 35mm film camera when I was 7 till now. I love photography I will do it no matter what if I am just doing it for me or someone is paying me. I’ve met so many photographers that just shoot when they have a client which baffles me.  Or they shoot stuff they hate , things that they don’t like to do just because they have paying people. You do not have to say yes to every client if it’s not something you want to do you don’t have to because if your heart is not in it then you will see it in the images.  Bottom Line Get Out There And Shoot! Shoot When Nobody Cares , Shoot when nobody is paying you, Shoot What You Love Not What You Think You Have To. IMG_LookingFoward (1 of 1)